The concept for my company was a team effort. After chatting with local copywriters at a marketing expo, founder Janet Riley wanted to create a business where marketers and copywriters could work together to create a message that clients could genuinely get behind while driving sales for that client. Tired of the continuous process of finding clients, wooing them into hiring her for projects and then having to start over again once the project was complete, she dreamed of a better way.
Переймаю досвід інноваційної партизанської боротьби з хронічними хворобами. Гуляйполе, 2007 рік.
Військовий Лікар
2015 рік. В зоні АТО сухий закон. Людям у військовому спиртне не продають і не наливають в закладах харчування.
The concept for my company was a team effort. After chatting with local copywriters at a marketing expo, founder Janet Riley wanted to create a business where marketers and copywriters could work together to create a message that clients could genuinely get behind while driving sales for that client. Tired of the continuous process of finding clients, wooing them into hiring her for projects and then having to start over again once the project was complete, she dreamed of a better way.
The concept for my company was a team effort. After chatting with local copywriters at a marketing expo, founder Janet Riley wanted to create a business where marketers and copywriters could work together to create a message that clients could genuinely get behind while driving sales for that client. Tired of the continuous process of finding clients, wooing them into hiring her for projects and then having to start over again once the project was complete, she dreamed of a better way.
Радію, що народився, виріс, а тепер після 10 років закордоном і ще 10 років серед Запорізьких Козаків – тепер живу і працюю на Слобюожанщині. День Вишиванки в Харкові, 2018 рік.
Друга половина 1990х. Найщасливіший пероді в житті родини.
The concept for my company was a team effort. After chatting with local copywriters at a marketing expo, founder Janet Riley wanted to create a business where marketers and copywriters could work together to create a message that clients could genuinely get behind while driving sales for that client. Tired of the continuous process of finding clients, wooing them into hiring her for projects and then having to start over again once the project was complete, she dreamed of a better way.
The concept for my company was a team effort. After chatting with local copywriters at a marketing expo, founder Janet Riley wanted to create a business where marketers and copywriters could work together to create a message that clients could genuinely get behind while driving sales for that client. Tired of the continuous process of finding clients, wooing them into hiring her for projects and then having to start over again once the project was complete, she dreamed of a better way.
Запоріжжя – місто в якому навчався в медуніверситеті, зустрів кохання на все життя та прожив понад 10 щасливих років.